Submitted by the Learning Assessment Committee

Our General Education Learning Outcomes state that students should be able to “Apply a variety of credible sources to support a given topic” at the time they graduate from Harper.

Last spring, the Learning Assessment Committee and its Information Literacy Work Group led an assessment of this outcome in a selection of course sections, ultimately assessing the work of more than 370 students. Thank you to those of you who participated in this assessment!

Student writing assignments were scored using a rubric. The criteria for success was set at 70% of students scoring a 3 or higher on the 4-point rubric (individual items and overall score). Overall, the Spring 2020 results showed:

What happens next?

Based on these results, the Learning Assessment Committee and the General Education-Information Literacy Work Group are gathering feedback to inform development of an Information Literacy Improvement Plan. The plan will be completed in Spring 2021, implemented in FY2022, and a follow-up assessment of this outcome will be conducted in FY2023.

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Learn more about the General Education results: