Looking for more ways to encourage your students to complete the SOI (Student Opinionnaires of Instruction) Survey for your course this semester? Here’s a quick tip: you can copy the SOI-COURSE SURVEYS link from either your Course Menu or from the Communication – Tools area of your Blackboard course and share it with students in Announcements, as a Web Link, or as a link within an Item or Assignment. This allows you to provide students easy access to the SOI Dashboard in the places they normally look for materials and assignments in your course and/or allows you to provide a direct link to the SOI Dashboard alongside any messaging you may be using to encourage SOI completion.

To copy the link from either the Course Menu or the Tools – Communication area, right-click on the SOI-COURSE SURVEYS link and then select Copy Link Address (Google Chrome) or Copy Link Location (Firefox). You can then paste the link within your course in Blackboard, such as including it in an Announcement, creating a Web Link within your learning materials, or making a link inside an Item or Assignment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The link will only work when shared within the course in Blackboard – it will not function when pasted into emails, outside documents, or within other courses.

Option 1: Copy the SOI-COURSE SURVEYS Link from Your Course Menu


Option 2: Copy the SOI-COURSE SURVEYS Link from your Tools – Communication Area


Questions? Please contact Blackboard Tech Support for assistance.