Submitted by the Learning Assessment Committee

This year, the College is scheduled to conduct a large-scale assessment of the General Education Communication outcome: Communicate information and concepts in oral and written formats. In an effort to decrease the amount of time needed for the assessment and increase the authenticity of student work used in the assessment process, the Communication Work Group and Learning Assessment Committee have developed an assessment plan that uses student work that is already being generated in courses. The Information Literacy Work Group is also using this opportunity to pilot assessment of the Information Literacy outcome alongside the Communication assessment.

Great news! This assessment will use a single set of student artifacts to assess student work on two General Education outcomes—and sections involved in the assessment won’t need to assign anything to students beyond the work already completed in class!

If one or more of your course sections was chosen for this assessment, you have already received an email from your dean with instructions about how you will submit student work. If you did not receive this email but want to be involved, please consider signing up to assess student work in spring.

Spring 2019 Assessment Sessions

We’re looking for faculty to assess student work in early Spring 2019. If you can devote 6 hours on a Friday or Saturday in January or February (dates tbd) please contact Faon Grandinetti at Training, lunch, and a stipend will be provided for each 6-hour session.

What’s the status of the other General Education assessments we’ve done in recent years?